
Trial start date pushed back for Charles Adelson

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Charlie Adelson, charged in the murder of a Florida State Law Professor back in 2014, won't be back in court until later this year.

A judge ruled Tuesday that his start date will be pushed back. Adelson's original trial date was set for the end of April.

His defense attorney asked for the date to be moved over concerns of having enough time to review everything from other trials to wire taps.

"I thought we might be able to be ready by May, but I didn't want to surprise the court and the truth is we just need a little more time," said Defense Attorney Daniel Rashbaum.

The State argued they still have two months to prepare and pushing back the date will not only cause scheduling conflicts but also prolong answers for the family.

"We oppose the continuance and the family of Dan Markel, they don't want to be heard today, but they did want the court to know that they oppose the continuance as well," said State Attorney Sarah Dugan.

Considering the large amount of materials to review for trial, the judge granted the motion to push back the start date. A new date has not been picked yet, but they're looking at late September.

The judge also granted the motion to restrict the release of interviews and other materials the State has with Katherine Magbanua after her trial ended.

The defense first filed a protective order back in January to ensure it wasn't released as public record. They believe although the interview is not incriminating for Adelson, they're concerned the media attention surrounding the release would not give him a fair trial.

The State didn't oppose this motion.

Other media partners did oppose, stating once materials are given to the defense it should become public record.

The judge believes waiting to release the materials will ensure Adelson has the right to a fair trial and an unbiased jury.

"The disclosure of these discovery materials would be big news in this small community. Potentially infecting the entire jury pool even those, who at this point, may be acceptable jurors," said Leon County Judge Robert Wheeler.

The interview, notes and other materials will not become public record until after Adelson's trial.