TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — A Florida A&M University professor is working to revitalize a community near campus. In the process, he said he is hoping to transform the streets of Tallahassee for the better for generations to come.

“When kids walk to school, you want them to have pride in what they see,” said Dr. Christopher Daniels. He talked about the streets of the Bond Community on Tallahassee's South Side. He is vice-president of the Greater Bond Neighborhood Association. For the better part of 2021, he has been working to bring more affordable housing to the neighborhood.
In October, Tallahassee leaders approved an idea to get more affordable housing for essential workers including police, firefighters, teachers and nurses. Meanwhile, Daniels has been working on three buildings at Palm Beach and Main.

He bought the buildings earlier this year. Once all three are complete, he said they will be able to house 12 families. Tenants will pay $800 a month for two-bedroom apartments.
“That's about 150 or so below market," Daniels said.
Some of his tenants came from the Orange Avenue apartments which are set to be replaced. He is also giving opportunities to at least one family of refugees escaping the unrest in Afghanistan.
“It's a great thing, you know, especially people who helped our military service members out overseas,” Daniels said. "I want to see the community a better place."
He said he received funding for the project on Palm Beach Street from theApalachee Regional Planning Council and an outside a private investor. When it come to renters, he said they do accept section eight and other housing vouchers.