NewsLocal News


Tal Chamber working to find homelessness solutions


The Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce is playing an active role in tackling the homelessness issue in the Capitol City.

It's conducting a survey for its more than 1,200 members on their experiences with homelessness and how it affects their businesses.

President and CEO Sue Dick said this is an issue they want to look into to better our community. She believes the feedback from the survey can help find solutions.

"What they're experiencing, how it's impacting their businesses, suggestions that they would like not only for the business community but local government to put in place to really work towards this and our community as a whole," said Dick.

The survey can be found on the Chamber's website. It's open for the Chamber's businesses and their employees on their to take now through Thursday. Dick said they'll be presenting the information from the survey at the county commission's homelessness workshop on May 23.