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Police ask community for help in solving Malique Richardson's homicide case


TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) — The family of Malique Richardson is remembering him almost one year after his murder in a Tallahassee apartment and now want justice.

The Tallahassee Police Department is asking for your help in finding the person responsible for Richardson's death.

the family of Malique Richardson is asking anyone who may know something about his death to come forward anonymously to crime stoppers.

They say this will help them find closure and get justice for Malique.

"Malique.... he was a goofball. The class clown. He loved making sure his sisters were taken care of. And I am going to never see that again," said GIna Richardson, Malique's mom.

She remembers her son for his bright personality.

The 24 year old Marine veteran was killed at his girlfriends apartment last July. He was shot while answering the door at the Seminole Grand Apartments.

The lead detective Curtis Bridges II said they have not gotten much new information since the shooting, but they believe Richardson was not the intended target.

"We received a few leads at the beginning of the case. We followed those leads, we didn't really, they weren't really fruitful," Bridges said. "But now, we are just really trying to get to those viable leads that we can follow that may help with this case. "

Richardson's case is not the only to go unsolved for months.

Tallahassee Police Department is working on at least 18 unsolved killings or missing persons cases.

Sharon O'Fuani with Big Bend Crime Stoppers said you can help solve those cases and still remain anonymous.

"We ask that they not think their tip is not important, every tip is important. We may not know how important it really is," O'Fuani said. "Every piece of the puzzle is needed to solve the crime."

According to O'Fuani, anonymous tips given to Big Bend Crime Stoppers have lead to 200 cases solved over the past five years.

Richardson hopes people will send in tips that will lead to finding her family closure and getting justice for Malique.

"We're seeking answers. The person who did this, come out," Richardson said. "If you know anything about this case, come out. "

You can submit tips to Big Bend Crime Stoppers at (850) 574-TIPS, download their P3 app or visit their website. All tips are anonymous. People who submit tips that lead to a felony arrest can receive up to a $5,000 reward.