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Leon County Supervisor of Elections announces scholarship for college students

Posted 7:01 PM, Jan 23, 2023

LEON COUNTY, FLa. — Mark Earley, Supervisor of Elections for Leon County, has announced a scholarship opportunity for college and university students in Florida.

"Our democracy and our elections rely on having an educated and informed electorate," said Earley. "In that spirit, I encourage eligible Leon County college and university students to apply for the FSE Scholarship."

Applicants must be a Journalism/Mass Communication, Political Science, or a Public/Business Administration major, and must meet the other remaining eligibility requirements. Students interested in applying must have their application submitted by Friday, March 10, and will be contacted for an interview if determined eligible.

Earley says applications should be mailed, emailed, or hand-delivered to the county Elections Office in which the applicant is registered to vote. Applicants for Leon County are advised to mail, email or deliver their application to the following addresses:


  • Leon County Supervisor of Elections: P.O. Box 7357




  • Leon County Supervisor of Elections, located at 2990-1 Apalachee Parkway

Winners of the scholarship will be announced and recognized at the 2023 FSE Summer Conference, according to Supervisor Earley.

The scholarships are awarded each year through the Florida Supervisor of Elections (FSE), which is the statewide association for Florida's election officials. According to Earley's press release, the FSE awards four $1,200 scholarships to full time students enrolled in a senior college or university in Florida.

To apply for the scholarship,

For anyone that may have questions, contact the Supervisor of Elections Office by email at or by phone at 850-606-8683 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.