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Leon County Schools updates their suicide awareness policy


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Leon County School Board members voted to update their policy on student suicide prevention, awareness, and screening.

The updated language requires a continued education training program for youth suicide awareness, prevention, and screening using materials from the statewide office for suicide prevention, the Florida suicide prevention coalition and the coordinated school health resource center.

Administration will also be given instructions on how to identify kids at risk for suicide and how to get help.

Marissa Batie-Collier is CEO of SG Mental Health Counseling.

She said resources aren't the only tools needed to prevent suicide among children.


She said its the first step.

If a child has a change in their mood and behavior, that can be a sign of depression.

"If your child used to be into playing video games and now they're not playing video games that's an issue."

Collier who is also a parent, said parents and teachers should look out for suicide signs using the FACTS checklist.

F is for feelings

A is for actions

C is for Changes

T is for threats

S is for situations.

"Being able to create that safe space for that child, letting them know that your non judgemental, non bias."

Something she hopes will save lives in the long run.

Leaders are expected to hold a public hearing for the policy update next month.

If you or someone you know needs mental health help where we live, calling 2-1-1 big bend could be a first step.

They've got a free, 24-hour support hotline and can also put you in touch with local resources to help save a life.