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Leon County employees set to get 5% pay raise


TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) — County workers can expect a 5% increase in salaries starting in 2024.

Leon County Commissioners voted Tuesday to move forward with including that increase for all employees in their fiscal year 2024 budget.

The raise would equate to about $34 extra a week for a county employee that makes $17 an hour.

While all commissioners voted to pass this pay increase, they did spend time debating the increase.
Commissioners O'Keefe and Minor both questioned the fiscal responsibility of raising every employee's salary 5% instead of sticking with the current merit-based raise system.

Commissioner Bill Proctor argued that this increase is needed for everyone.
He said almost everyone has been impacted by inflation and deserves a wage that adjusts for that.

"All things associated with living, the price has gone up," Proctor said. "It just makes sense in a time such as this, we seek the total security, the total thriving of our workforce."

Commissioners Minor and O'Keefe ended up voting in favor of this increase. Both commissioners were supportive of other items in the vote that outweighed their concerns about wage increases.