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Leon County commissioners tackle lobbying, funding for Promise Zone at meeting

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Leon County is taking on lobbying and funding for the Promise Zone project at their commission meeting.

Commissioners are looking into an ordinance to beef up the definition of lobbying. The Promise Zone funding targets high-poverty areas under the county's Community Human Services Partnership.

The county moved for an ordinance clarifying the definition for lobbyist that both elected leaders and lobbyist themselves would be able to understand.

The goal Tuesday was to specify certain policies lobbyist would need to follow to be registered with the county.

Commissioner Rick Minor led the charge and wanted to clear up uncertainties with lobbying.

Commissioners also approved an increase in funding for Promise Zone. That means, certain services can apply to be part of the programs, such as youth services and job training.

Commissioners want to make sure incoming organizations will not take on the same issues targeted by other agencies in the same community.

The Promise Zone only funds projects and organizations that provide human services.

Commissioners also discussed more funding for the Kearney Center. It is also part of the Promise Zone and serves poverty-stricken areas.

The lobbying ordinance will be discussed again at the next commission meeting for direction on when it will be implemented.