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Neighbors share Old Bainbridge Road concerns, here's how area leaders are stepping in

  • Neighbors share their concerns about Old Bainbridge Road impacting the visuals and safety of the road.
  • Leon County and City of Tallahassee have two big upcoming projects to revamp the road.
  • Watch the video to find out what changes locals would like to see, and how Leon County is funding this area.


I've been speaking with Jocelyne Fliger about:

"Safety issues, speeding, crossing the double yellow to pass, also trash, there is a considerable amount of trash that is deposited on Old Bainbridge," said Fliger.

These are some of the issues she has noticed as president of the town and county neighborhood association.

I checked the data with the Leon County Sheriff's Office and Tallahassee Police Department. In the last six months, there have been 277 traffic stops and 60 crashes along Old Bainbridge Road between the Gateway Drive and West Brevard Street intersections.

Fliger said Commissioner Rick Minor has been responsive in helping solve some issues. He said he's been talking with other neighbors recently too

"We saw some issues with some safety, so we're actually installing a safety railing and installing some asphalt," said Minor.

Commissioner Minor said Old Bainbridge is about to go under construction over the next couple of years. He sent over the plans for the city and county projects including a water main replacement and resurfacing plans.

Fliger has some additional goals.

"Certainly more lighting, regular road clean ups so we can be proud of our area and show it off to visitors, and maybe even more traffic safety measures," said Fliger.

The county said engaging with residents concerns is a top priority. They said intersection improvement project is beginning construction in 2025 at Old Bainbridge Road and Capital Circle NW.

They also said, "the county is committed to pedestrian safety with several sidewalk enhancement projects pending funding availability, and four new intersection lighting projects are slated for completion in the next year."

If you have a road request, the County said there is no need to know if you're in or out of City limits you can just call 850-606-1500 and someone will assist you.

So prepare to see some changes to Old Bainbridge Road over the next couple of years. Is there another part of this road that particularly troubles you? Share your concerns with me at 850-509-3271 or via email at