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HELP A CHILD: Florida Guardian Ad Litem is looking for volunteers in Gadsden County

Guardian Ad Litem is serving 36 children in Gadsden County and is looking for 10 to 15 volunteers to serve in the county.
  • The Florida Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office represents abused, abandoned and neglected children in court and the community.
  • The office is looking for 10 -15 volunteers to serve in Gadsden County
  • They are looking for people who live in Gadsden County


A group that is helping kids through tough times. (Mic to camera). I'm Ashley Engle reporting. One volunteer at the office believes that it's priceless to advocate for children who've been abused, abandoned or neglected.

"I know that there is a great need in Gadsden County and Leon county so when I saw that need, I just really wanted to be an advocate for the children" Destiney Burt said.

Destiney Burt is a Volunteer Guardian Ad Litem who serves in Gadsden County. She's been apart of the office for a year now.

"Being an advocate for a child and helping to be their voice in the court system is such a valuable thing to work with the Guardian Ad Litem Team" Burt said.

The Florida Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office represents abused, abandoned and neglected children in court and the community. Right now, they are looking for volunteers in Gadsden County to assist in children's needs and to make sure they feel heard and safe.

"We have a need in Gadsden County for Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers its best that a child has an individual who resides in the community that they are from. Who knows the resources in the community and who has connections and someone who can visit the child very frequently and regularly" Deborah Moore said.

Deborah Moore, Circuit Director of Guardian Ad Litem Circuit 2, has worked in the office for 25 years. She say's so far they are serving 36 children in Gadsden County.

According to Florida Health Charts, in 2021, the rate per 100,000 of Children Experiencing Child Abuse (Aged 5-11 Years) in Gadsden County was 575.3 compared to Florida at 539.9.

Burt is aware of the situations that are happening in cases and believes her job is for the kids.

"I think the biggest thing is making sure you are making those cite visits every month, making sure the children needs are met" Burt said.

Right now, the office is hoping to add 10-15 volunteers to serve Gadsden County to be sure the children have a shoulder to lean on.

"I encourage any body to do it because there is a great need for it and its valuable" Burt said.

If you are interested in volunteering, there is an application and an interviewing process you will need to go through in order for you to be considered.