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Brooks County High School reacts to new grading system being adopted in other states

Grades are based on 0 to 4 scale instead of 0 to 100
and last updated

QUITMAN, Ga. (WTXL) — A new grading scale is aimed at removing the middle ground for students in schools across the nation.

ABC 27 asked faculty and students at Brooks County High School what they thought of the idea and why they feel it wouldn't work in south Georgia.

"For students, I think the numerical system works better. The new 4.0 is going to be confusing for parents, and again, the students won't know exactly where they fall to be better," said Brooks County School counselor Brian Law.

Despite the new grading system gaining popularity, some faculty are concerned with students losing the initiative to get better grades with the new grading scale.

Although not being used in Georgia. there are a number of states that are now using this grading tool.

The concept comes from Crescendo, an education group.

The organization is wanting to make it fairer for all students to receive a fair education.

"What you've done then is if you had a B, B and an F; a three, three and a zero. The average... is a C minus, which is what we would want it to be," said Joe Feldman, Author and CEO of Crescendo Education Group.

This however is not a problem for Brooks County High School.

"We have things in place to help those students achieve and reach their goals; whether it be an individual education plan with their IEP or modification and combinations that we give them in order to kind of make it a fair playing field," Brooks County High School principal Chris Chastain said.

Traditionally, grades are determined by a zero to 100 scale.

The new system grades on a 0-4 system, the same way GPAs are determined, instead of the traditional merit grading scale. This new method does not sound very convincing to all students.

"I personally have no problem with the traditional grading scale we've been using so far. I feel like it's a great way to gauge where you are and I feel like it's really simple and straight to the point," Christian Edgerton, a senior at Brooks County High School said.

Some students see the potential benefit.

"I think it is for the best because that's what colleges use. So the kids that will continue and go to college will be prepared for that new college grading system," Lexi Patterson, a senior at Brooks County High School said.

Some schools in California, New York and Massachusetts have adopted the 0 to 4 grading scale.