TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Florida State University now has the best four-year graduation rate of any public university in Florida, according to new data.
According to university officials, the university’s four-year graduation rate is 74 percent, placing FSU first in the State University System of Florida and in the top 10 nationally among public universities.
It’s also the highest four-year graduation rate in the State University System’s history.
“This is a tremendous accomplishment that reflects well on our academically talented students as well as our dedicated faculty and staff who inspire and support them,” said FSU President John Thrasher. “The Florida Legislature, the Florida Board of Governors and the FSU Board of Trustees have championed our efforts, and the investments we have made in student success are paying off, not only for our students and their families but for Florida taxpayers who support our state universities.”
University officials attribute the rise in graduation rates to investments in areas such as academic advising, tutoring, and academic coaching.
“Student success goes beyond support like tutoring, advising, and financial aid,” said Joe O’Shea, dean of Undergraduate Studies and assistant provost. “We must also make sure that our classes are designed and taught in a way that all students can succeed. We've made remarkable progress in that area, and I’m so grateful to our faculty for their efforts.”
FSU also posted a six-year graduation rate of 84 percent, which is a university record.