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Gadsden inmates provided with new career opportunity

Posted 1:50 PM, Sep 21, 2022

GADSDEN COUNTY, FLa. — The Florida Department of Corrections partnered with Tallahassee Community College to provide inmates at Gadsden Re-Entry Center with another chance.

The Gadsden County inmates got the opportunity to participate in building and wiring a mock house during the week of September 12, through their enrollment in TCC's electrical program.

Upon their completion of the program, participants receive practical application to become certified electricians.

TCC Vice President for Workforce Innovation Kimberly Moore said they're helping bolster the workforce in Florida.

"We're averaging now nearly 2,000 industry recognized certifications that our returning citizens are earning as a result of this, which really prepares them for that transition back into our communities and to contribute to Florida's economy," said Moore.

Morning and afternoon classes are held daily for various certifications at TCC.