TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Feline Advocates of Leon County is asking for your help.
The non-profit organization runs and operates Fat Cat Cafe, located off of East Park Avenue in Tallahassee. Volunteers say they've been working with other non-profit organizations, rescuing around 150 cats since the start of the year. That number-- almost triple the number of cats the organization had last year at this point.
The founder and president of Feline Advocates of Leon County said one of the reasons for the increase in cats being rescued has to do with the pandemic.
"A lot of people were not out and about finding kittens last year. They were staying in homes seeing what you would usually find," Michelle Hartsfield said. "People are out now finding the kittens already giving us calls, calling all the rescues in town."
Feline Advocates of Leon County are asking for supplies such as wet kitten food, towels, and formula.
You can drop off the supplies at Fat Cat Cafe or Fat Cat Books. The supplies will then be distributed to other rescue organizations in the area.
You can learn more about Feline Advocates of Leon County by clicking here.