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COVID-19 testing increases as people travel for holidays


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — As of Monday, 26 people are battling COVID-19 at two Tallahassee hospitals.

Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare confirmed to ABC 27 that they have 16 COVID-19 patients as of Dec. 27, four of them are unvaccinated with one patient in the ICU.

Capital Regional Medical Center told ABC 27 that they have ten COVID-19 patients as of Dec. 27.

Neither hospital would confirm the number of omicron variant cases, but they are encouraging people to get tested.

As of 11 a.m. the morning of Dec. 27, Florida A&M University had tested more than 1,000 people.

The FAMU Director of Student Health Services said they were testing less than 400 people a day before this new surge.

"This new variant is so highly transmissible, so easy to catch it's going to be really important that people as soon as they feel like they may have a symptom go get tested."

Hospitals are encouraging people to get tested and continue getting vaccinated.