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Cold weather shelters open Friday and Saturday nights

Cold Weather

Cold weather shelters will be open Friday and Saturday nights. Local health experts say with temperatures at 35 or below the next couple of nights, a decision was reached to open shelters.

Anyone needing to get out of the cold, should go to the following locations that best represents you:

  • Single Adults (18 and over): The Kearney Center- 2650 Municipal Way
  • Families (At least 1 adult and child): HOPE Community- 2729 West Pensacola 
  • Youth (ages 10-17): 2407 Roberts Ave- Hotline Number 850-576-6000

Remember to show up to the shelters between 4-8 p.m.
Here is some additional information from the Big Bend Continuum of Care:

If you need assistance accessing Star Metro, please call or text our Street Outreach Coordinator at 850-759-1895 or email

The homeless population has been informed of cold night shelter operations via in-person communication and also a text to phone service. For those who need more information on cold night shelter planning, call the Big Bend Continuum of Care Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at (850) 792-5015. For after hours or weekends, call the CESC/Kearney Center at 850-792-9000.