Cold weather shelters will be open Friday and Saturday nights. Local health experts say with temperatures at 35 or below the next couple of nights, a decision was reached to open shelters.
Anyone needing to get out of the cold, should go to the following locations that best represents you:
- Single Adults (18 and over): The Kearney Center- 2650 Municipal Way
- Families (At least 1 adult and child): HOPE Community- 2729 West Pensacola
- Youth (ages 10-17): 2407 Roberts Ave- Hotline Number 850-576-6000
Remember to show up to the shelters between 4-8 p.m.
Here is some additional information from the Big Bend Continuum of Care:
If you need assistance accessing Star Metro, please call or text our Street Outreach Coordinator at 850-759-1895 or email
The homeless population has been informed of cold night shelter operations via in-person communication and also a text to phone service. For those who need more information on cold night shelter planning, call the Big Bend Continuum of Care Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at (850) 792-5015. For after hours or weekends, call the CESC/Kearney Center at 850-792-9000.