TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently passed a resolution, marking March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
On Wednesday, hundreds of advocates came to the Capitol to push for more disability rights.
This year, the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council is partnering with the Florida Department of Transportation to make sure that those Floridians are able to get to work safely and the people responsible for doing that are paid a fair wage.
The Pay Fair for Care Initiative is asking for a pay increase of at least $3 for people working directly with those who have disabilities.
They'll also be advocating for better compensation and care for the transportation workers that are getting people around town. More than 3,000 people in the state has some form of disability.
"Our ultimate goal is that our direct care workers that are doing the day to day work will get an increase in their wages. At least three dollars an hour, and that transportation will be available seven days a week, door to door services, for individuals unable to get to work," said Valerie Breen, the executive director for the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council.
Advocates got to the Capitol at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday with exhibit booths and plans to meet with legislatures.