

Leon County Schools Budget for More Safety Officers

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TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) -- Leon County Schools revealed its budget for the next fiscal year Wednesday, and it could mean some changes to the halls of the school system's elementary schools.

An additional $350,000 is being budgeted for next year to hire eight more deputies to cover elementary schools for the academic year.

These "safety officers" will supplement the current school resource officers at the schools.

Superintendent Jackie Pons says the district's request for the extra support comes in light of a national conversation to keep students safe.

"We want to make sure that we are ahead of anything that could possibly happen, and we want to make sure that we have the safest environment that we possibly can for our children," Pons said. "We're protecting our classroom. We're trying to make sure that we continue to give our teachers what they need. It also has professional development in it, and I think it's a good budget for the needs of the school and for the school community."

The budget does not include an increase in property tax. A public hearing about the budget is set for Tuesday, August 2 at 6 p.m.