

Kendrick Johnson Family Announces Major Development in Case

Kendrick Johnson
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VALDOSTA, GA- (WTXL) -- New evidence in the Kendrick Johnson death investigation has the Johnson family pleading for help.

"Well we appeal to the families because we too are supposed to have Kendrick at our dinner table for Thanksgiving. And we know that a lot of students know a lot of information that haven't came forward, we just wish they'd come forward," said Kenneth Johnson, the victim's father.

In a Tuesday morning news conference, the family said that they recently learned the school's wrestling team did not leave campus for a tournament the afternoon their son went missing as previously thought. Kendrick's family said that this new evidence raises the possibility that someone may know how their son ended up in the gym mat.

Almost two years ago, Johnson's death was ruled an accident by authorities, but his family has always said that there were multiple signs to indicate that this wasn't an accidental death. Including the school security cameras showing Kendrick entering the gym, but not getting into the rolled up mat.