TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Tallahassee Memorial Behavioral Health Center says there are signs and red flags of child abuse.
For physical abuse, those include bruising, unexplained injuries that seem to be healing at different rates, patterns to injuries, changes in social behaviors, and changes in hygiene.
The director of the center says it's also important for people to notice warning signs in parents, so they can get help.
"Do they seem depressed, or very anxious, are they increasing their substance use. Just families, again, paying attention, asking them, are they okay," said Lisa Etheridge, Director of Social Services for Tallahassee Memorial Behavioral Health Center. "Offering breaks from time to time so they can de-stress, because parenting is a very, very stressful kind of endeavor."
She says there are lots of resources and agencies out there that can help with parenting and financial needs of new parents.
She also advises anyone who sees or suspects any form of child abuse, whether physical, sexual, emotional or neglect, to call the Florida Department of Children and Families Abuse hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSE. You can remain anonymous.