

Hillary Clinton Wins Convention Votes to Become Democratic Nominee

Hillary Clinton
and last updated

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The Latest on the Democratic National Convention (all times EDT):

6:37 p.m.

Hillary Clinton has won the convention votes needed to capture the Democratic presidential nomination - and make history as the first woman to become the White House nominee of a major U.S. political party.

The former first lady, New York senator and secretary of state had faced Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in a tough primary fight for the nomination.


6:25 p.m.

Hillary Clinton is on the cusp of becoming the first woman to win the American presidential nomination of a major party.

Clinton has surpassed 2,000 delegates during a roll call of states that has been conducted through Ohio.

When the roll reached New York, the governor - Andrew Cuomo - said his state was the "proud home of the next president of the United States."

Clinton needs 2,382 delegates to claim the nomination.


6:10 p.m.

Jerry Emmett was born before women gained the right to vote in America, so it's fitting she announced that the Arizona delegation was casting 51 of its 85 votes for Hillary Clinton for president.

Clinton is in line to become the first woman to be nominated for president of a U.S. political major party. And she'd make more history by being elected the first female president of the United States.

Emmett is 102 years old and from Prescott, Arizona. She remembers seeing her mother go to vote for the first time after the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote was ratified on Aug. 18, 1920.

Emmett is legally blind and doesn't hear very well, but she says she walks about a mile a day and still bakes pies.

She says she was thrilled to be at the Democratic National Convention - where she carried a blue-and-white sign that read: "Centenarian for Hillary."


5:50 p.m.

A lifelong friend of Hillary Clinton's is announcing Illinois' vote for president.

"This one is for you, Hill," Betsy Ebeling says at the Democratic National Convention.

Ebeling announced that Illinois had given 98 delegates to Clinton.

Ebeling says it's in honor of "Dorothy and Hugh's daughter and my sweet friend."

Ebeling was a childhood friend of Clinton's in suburban Chicago.


5:40 p.m.

No surprise here: Bernie Sanders is getting his brother's vote at the Democratic National Convention.

Larry Sanders says he's casting that vote with what he calls "enormous pride."

Larry Sanders addressed the convention during the roll call of states - and he was speaking as a member of the Americans Abroad delegation. Larry Sanders lives in Britain.

He appeared to be emotional - and said their late parents would have been proud of the Vermont senator's accomplishments.


5:35 p.m.

The roll call of states is underway at the Democratic National Convention - and it's expected to lead to the history-making nomination of Hillary Clinton for president.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake has kicked off the voting by asking, "Are we ready to make some history?"

Clinton needs 2,382 delegates to win the nomination.


5:15 p.m.

Hillary Clinton has had her name placed in nomination for president.

Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski has done that honor at the Democratic National Convention - and says she's delivering a speech on behalf of "all women who have broken down barriers for others."

Mikulski was the first Democratic woman to be elected to the Senate in her own right.

Later Tuesday night, Clinton is set to become the first woman to be nominated for president of a U.S. political major party.

Clinton's nomination was seconded by a leader of the civil rights movement, Georgia Rep. John Lewis. He tells the convention the nation had made "too much progress and we are not going back."

He's asking the delegates to vote in November "like we have never ever voted before."


5:10 p.m.

Kentucky's secretary of state is calling Donald Trump "an unsteady, unqualified bully" and is recounting her long friendship with Hillary Clinton.

Alison Lundergan Grimes is using her speech at the Democratic National Convention to offer insights about Clinton's personal side.

She's stressing Clinton's support for equal pay for women, voting rights, affordable health care and pensions for retired coal miners.

Grimes describes Clinton as a family-oriented grandmother who enjoys watching HGTV and eating Buffalo wings.

As for Trump, Grimes is portraying the GOP presidential nominee as "an unsteady, unqualified bully who points fingers rather than offering a hand to those who are defenseless."

Grimes lost to Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell in a high-profile race in 2014.


5 p.m.

A Hawaii congresswoman has nominated Bernie Sanders for president at the Democratic convention.

In response to the move by Tulsi Gabbard, Sanders' delegates are jumping to their feet in applause.

Gabbard was one of Sanders' major backers during his primary campaign.

She calls the Vermont senator's campaign "a movement of love," and says "it can never be stopped or defeated."

The Democratic convention is beginning Tuesday afternoon with the nomination of candidates for the party's presidential nomination.

Later Tuesday, Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski will nominate Hillary Clinton, who has the delegates needed to win in the roll call vote to follow.


4:50 p.m.

Vice President Joe Biden says the most ardent of Bernie Sanders' supporters will eventually end up voting for Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

Biden tells reporters at the Democratic National Convention that he doesn't think the Democratic Party is fractured. He says Bernie Sanders' supporters have changed the party in a positive way. He says they just need a little time to get over the fact that Clinton is the presumptive presidential nominee.

And Biden tells ABC that those supporters aren't going to pull the lever for Trump "for God's sake."


4:40 p.m.

Former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin is kicking off the second day of the Democratic National Convention with a tribute to the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Democrats are planning to hold their roll call of states later Tuesday - and that's expected to end with Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to receive the presidential nomination of a major party.

Supporters of rival Bernie Sanders plan to support him during the roll call. But the Vermont senator has acknowledged he won't have enough delegates to win the nomination.

Former President Bill Clinton is set to headline the list of speakers.


3:01 p.m.

Hillary Clinton's campaign says several party luminaries will formally put forth her name as the first woman ever to win a major party's presidential nomination.

Among those set to nominate the former secretary of state Tuesday are Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski, civil rights activist and Georgia Rep. John Lewis and Iraq war veteran Na'ilah Amaru.

A roll call at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia is set for later Tuesday.


2:49 p.m.

Tim Kaine's wife has resigned as Virginia's education secretary.

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's office says Anne Holton has stepped down because her husband had been picked to be Hillary Clinton's running mate.

McAuliffe says Holton's resignation was effective Monday.


2:44 p.m.

Jim Hightower - a former Texas agriculture commissioner and a Bernie Sanders delegate - says he and former NAACP President Ben Jealous have been asked by other Sanders supporters about being nominated for vice president at the Democratic National Convention.

Hightower says he and Jealous have declined.

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine is Hillary Clinton's running mate and will be formally nominated at the convention.

Some Sanders delegates say Kaine is too centrist. They've been discussing ways to register their unhappiness. One possibility is turning their backs during Kaine's acceptance speech.

Hightower says he has also heard of talk of a public demonstration on the convention floor in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.


2:10 p.m.

An organizer of the Bernie Delegate Network is predicting less disruption from Sanders delegates during the presidential roll call vote later Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention.

Karen Bernal helps lead the loose organization of 1,200 delegates. She says delegates are focused on having a full roll call so their votes are expressed.

The group had threatened to walk out if there is a motion to nominate Hillary Clinton by acclamation - or unanimous vote.

But Bernal says there probably won't be rowdy protests if the motion is made after a full roll call vote.


1:36 p.m.

Julianne Moore, Bryan Cranston, Kerry Washington, Mark Ruffalo, Neil Patrick Harris, Lena Dunham, Shonda Rhimes, and Macklemore are among the 100-plus celebrities who are joining a campaign to urge Americans to deny Donald Trump the presidency.

The campaign is part of Political Action's #UnitedAgainstHate campaign.

An open letter on the group's website says Trump wants to take the country back to a time when "when fear excused violence, when greed fueled discrimination, and when the state wrote prejudice against marginalized communities into law."


1:25 p.m.

Bernie Sanders has drawn some boos during an appearance before California delegates at the Democratic National Convention.

A few booed Sanders at a delegate breakfast. That's according to Holly Mitchell, a state lawmaker from Los Angeles who's a Hillary Clinton delegate.

According to Mitchell, Sanders told the people to boo if they wanted, but to vote for the future of their children.


1:01 p.m.

House Speaker Paul Ryan is defending the role of NATO and the United States' role in free trade agreements.

That's a break from positions taken by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Ryan calls NATO an "indispensable ally" and says the alliance "is as important now as I would say it is in my lifetime."

Ryan spoke at an event hosted by the political website

Trump caused alarms last week when he suggested the United States might abandon its NATO military commitments if he were elected president.

Ryan also says he also believes healthy trade helps to combat terrorism, and he wants the U.S. to lead in entering free trade agreements.

Trump has made his opposition to trade agreements the centerpiece of his economic argument.


12:06 p.m.

Tensions have boiled over at the Texas delegation's breakfast at the Democratic National Convention.

Russell Lytle, a Bernie Sanders delegate, took the stage and suggested condemning "our currently presumptive nominee" -

A shouting match ensued including calls of "grow up!" It took several minutes for Hillary Clinton supporters to calm things down.

Lytle later released a statement saying that in a moment of "passion," he expresed thoughts that didn't reflect his intention of "promoting productive dialogue."


12:05 p.m.

Democratic Senate campaign officials say they're talking with Bernie Sanders about how he can help their efforts to retake the Senate majority this fall.

Sanders has already sent out a fundraising plea on behalf of Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold.

Christie Roberts is political director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. She says Sanders' message of "economic populism" will resonate in Wisconsin against incumbent Republican Ron Johnson.

Sanders' message might not play as well in other states with competitive Senate races like Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

But Democratic strategists say Sanders could be helpful around the country talking about middle-class economic issues.


10:37 a.m.

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta says there was no evidence the Democratic presidential campaign has been breached by the same hack that revealed Democratic National Committee emails to WikiLeaks.

He's telling a Bloomberg Politics breakfast the campaign feels like it has "robust security" and has received no indication by the FBI that their correspondence is at risk.

(Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

7/26/2016 6:43:01 PM (GMT -4:00)