

Georgia House GOP Caucus Elects Leaders for 2015

Georgia Politics

ATLANTA (AP) — The Georgia House Republican Caucus has made its leadership selections for the upcoming legislative session.

The caucus chose leaders during a meeting on Monday.

House Speaker David Ralston of Blue Ridge and House Speaker Pro-Tempore Jan Jones of Milton were both nominated to continue serving in their current positions. Representatives will vote on their selections on Jan. 15, the opening day of the 2015 session.

Larry O'Neal of Bonaire was re-elected to serve as House majority leader, Matt Ramsey of Peachtree City was elected to serve as majority whip and Matt Hatchett of Dublin was elected to serve as caucus chairman.

Sam Teasley of Marietta was chosen to serve as the caucus' vice chairman, and Allen Peake of Macon was chosen to serve as the caucus' secretary.