

FSU Students launching Remove the Mask campaign

Posted 11:05 PM, Feb 26, 2018
and last updated 6:33 PM, Feb 26, 2018

TALLAHASSEE, FL (WTXL) -- A group of FSU students are launching an awareness campaign Monday February 26th, called Remove the Mask. Students say, there's a negative stereotype on campus associated with mental illness and they want to change that.

According to The Center for Collegiate Mental Health, the number of students seeing counselors for mental health reasons has been climbing since 2010. Remove the Mask represents the mask society collectively puts on to cover up the realities of mental illnesses.

Organizers say, students need to take their mental health  as seriously as they take their physical health. The group of students leading the campaign want to change the culture of shame on campus.

FSU's Mental Health Council wants everyone to be able to talk openly about mental health issues without a negative stigma attached. Madison Shaff, a Mental Health Council Member says, "We support people going to seek out that help. No one should ever feel like they shouldn't. And we've banded together a bunch of student leaders and organizations from all over the campus."

The campaign is completely student inspired and led. The National Alliance on Mental Illness states, 75% of mental health conditions begin before the age of 24, which is why college students need to address it.

Over 200 FSU students are attending the Remove the Mask campaign launch to start the conversation on campus. FSU's Mental Health Council says they will host community gatherings on a regular basis to keep the conversation going.