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145 new laws set to take effect in Florida on July 1

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed 269 bills this year, vetoed 11
and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — More than half of the bills getting the governor's signature this year will take effect on Friday. That includes measures limiting abortion in the state, restrictions on teaching gender identity in public schools, and a record-setting budget.

After a regular and two special sessions, here's how the numbers break down. Gov. Ron DeSantis took out the felt pens and signed 269 bills. He vetoed 11.

Legislative records show 145 pieces of policy are now set to take effect at the end of the week, the first day of July.

You can find the full list here. Below are some of the highlights:

The Budget: DeSantis pared it back a bit, but next fiscal year's spending plan is still the largest in state history — $109.9 billion. It's filled with federal stimulus money and higher-than-expected revenue. There are more dollars for teachers and students, funds for a state guard, and it'll start with $16 billion in reserves.

The budget also uses an October cut to the state gas tax, plus several sales tax holidays, to save Floridians an estimated $1.24 billion through the next fiscal year.

HB 3: Law enforcement incentive package. It gives agencies tools to boost recruitment and other incentives, including one-time bonus payments of up to $5,000 for recruits.

HB 5: The 15-week abortion ban. The new law prohibits physicians from offering abortions after 15 weeks. It makes exceptions only for fatal fetal abnormalities. It faces legal challenges in state court.

HB 7: The governor calls it his "Stop WOKE Act." The bill bans critical race theory concepts in schools and workplace training under threat of legal action. It faces a lawsuit in federal court.

HB 1557: The Parental Rights in Education law or what critics have dubbed the "Don’t Say Gay Bill." Under its provisions teachers are prohibited from offering instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation in K-3 classrooms, or when not age-appropriate. This new law also faces a legal challenge.

SB 4C: The new law will eventually dissolve Disney's special district, as well as several others, on June 1 of 2023. Lawmakers targeted the entertainment company's privileges through the Reedy Creek Improvement District after it spoke out against HB 1557.

HB 7065: A priority for House Speaker Chris Sprowls this year, the new law creates the Responsible Fatherhood Initiative to "provide all fathers resources and inspiration to enhance their positive involvement with their children." It aims to bolster mentorship for at-risk boys and aids noncustodial parents struggling to pay child support.

SB 226: Care for Retired Police Dogs Program. It directs the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to provide a consistent source of financial help for vet care of retired police dogs.

SB 312: Expands telehealth services in the state. Practitioners can prescribe Schedule III, IV and V controlled substances.

HB 615: This year’s bill on human trafficking requires the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking to assess the extent social media platforms play in facilitating or supporting human trafficking within the state. The law also calls for a suggested list of remedies.

HB 1467: The new law prohibits school board members from appearing on a reelection ballot if they've served in that office for 12 consecutive years. The limitation only applies to terms beginning on or after Nov. 8, 2022. According to analysts, "school board members reelected to a consecutive term in 2022 could serve another 12 consecutive years before reaching the term limit."

HB 105: Allows counties and cities to ban smoking at their beaches and parks. The only exception is unfiltered cigars — which are still permitted under this new law.

SB 1048: The new law ends the annual Florida Standards Assessments, or FSA testing, for students in the state. The rigorous exams are set to be replaced by progress monitoring, which will provide students with regular evaluations throughout the school year.

SB 1006: Starting on the first of July, Florida recognizes strawberry shortcake "with natural Florida dairy topping" as the official state dessert. Don't worry Key lime lovers, it remains the state pie.