

Florida House May Reject Results for Tampa Seat


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — The Florida House is going to vote on whether to reject the results from a Tampa Bay area legislative race.

Incoming Florida House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, said he wants a vote to clear up confusion surrounding House District 64.

This summer, a judge delayed the primary between incumbent James Grant and Miriam Steinberg until November. Judge Angela Dempsey made the move after she ruled that a write-in candidate in the race was ineligible because he didn't live in the district.

But an appeals court last month ruled that the write-in candidate should have remained eligible. Grant defeated Steinberg in the November election.

Crisafulli said the legal limbo has created an "unprecedented situation."

He said the state constitution gives the House the power to reject the results from the election. If a majority of House members reject the election results it would trigger the need for Gov. Rick Scott to call a special election.


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