

Florida Democratic Party Appoints Janet Reno Challenge Grant Panelists

Florida Democratic Party Appoints Grant Panelists

Tallahassee, Fla. (WTXL) - Seven newly appointed Florida democrats will work together to award a total of $100,000 from the Janet Reno Challenge Grant. The Florida Democratic Party allocates the funding to support year-round grassroots organizations. 

Stephen Bittel, FDP Chair, says "The FDP is committed to building a 67 county grassroots organizing operation that competes for every vote in every city in every county across Florida. This grant will help kickstart our grassroots mobilization, increase Democratic voter registration and activism across the state and I’m grateful to our panelists for their leadership in this effort."

The newly assigned panelists are:

Nikki Barnes, Wakulla County, State Committeewoman and DNC Member

Leah Carius, Osceola County, DEC Chair

Juan Cuba, Miami-Dade County, DEC Chair

Lisa King, Duval County, State Committeewoman

Russ Patterson, Hillsborough County, State Committeeman

Ian Whitney, Hillsborough County, Former State Committeeman and Monroe County DEC Chair

Janet Reno Challenge Grant applicants can submit 2-page proposals by February 28th to compete for ten $5,000 and twenty $2,500 merit-based awards.