

EMS Response Time Reviewed After Dan Markel 911 Call

Posted 4:44 PM, Aug 14, 2014
and last updated 5:03 PM, Sep 25, 2014

Tallahassee, FL (WTXL) -- A board meeting of the Consolidated Dispatch Agency focused on EMS response time after issues have arisen in the Dan Markel case.

Timothy Lee, Director of the CDA, told the board that the agency is working on an internal review that will look into every aspect of the current system and this specific incident.

Lee said, "Our focus is to learn from this endeavor but we're here to provide for the community... We are all well aware that seconds save lives and every second we can shave off out response makes it better for the community."

The investigation has already brought to light a small software problem and other issues that can be improved. However, there was also human error when the call for Markel was received.

The dispatcher who answered the call has been reassigned and is no longer taking calls, according to Lee. He also said, the dispatcher is  going though proactive remedial training.

The report is expected to be completed in 30 days but the agency is working to finish as quickly as possible.