

Democrat Nan Rich calls on Charlie Crist to debate

Florida Politics

CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) — Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Nan Rich is touting her liberal credentials and questioning rival Charlie Crist's credibility as she fights for her party's nomination.

The former state senator said Friday that Crist, a former Republican governor, is a political opportunist who once opposed gay marriage and supported public vouchers for private schools.

She billed herself as the more progressive candidate and called on Crist to debate her ahead of the Aug. 26 Democratic primary.

Crist has refused, saying he's focused on Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who has already spent millions attacking him.

Rich spoke at the annual convention of the Florida Press Association and Florida Society of Newspaper Editors. While she has struggled to raise the kind of money typically necessary to run a statewide campaign, she's been courting Democratic activists.


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