

CNN sues Trump, demanding return of Acosta to White House

CNN reporter has White House access revoked after contentious news conference
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NEW YORK (AP) - CNN is suing the Trump administration, demanding that correspondent Jim Acosta's press credentials to cover the White House be returned.

The administration revoked them last week following President Trump's contentious news conference, where Acosta refused to give up a microphone when the president said he didn't want to hear anything more from him.

The lawsuit was filed Tuesday in Washington, D.C., District Court. CNN claims the revocation of Acosta's press pass violates the constitutional rights to freedom on the press and due process. CNN is asking for an immediate restraining order to return Acosta to the White House.

There was no immediate comment from the administration.

(Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

CNN reporter has White House access revoked after contentious news conference

(RNN) – CNN reporter Jim Acosta had his White House press pass revoked on Wednesday, apparently for an interaction with President Donald Trump during a news conference earlier in the day.

In an exchange at the afternoon press conference, Acosta pressed Trump on his characterization of a migrant caravan moving through Mexico as an “invasion.” When he tried to ask a second question about the Russia investigation, the president moved to cut him off, saying, “That’s enough.”

At that point, an intern approached and tried to take the microphone. Acosta held it out of her reach and, as she grabbed at it, their arms made some contact.

At the time, Acosta said, “Pardon me, ma’am,” and the president did not take note of it.

Later, though, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Twitter that the White House would not “tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern,” in a series of posts announcing the revoking of Acosta’s “hard pass” used to access White House grounds.  

Acosta also tweeted around the same time that he had been denied entrance at the White House, and posted a video of himself giving his pass to a Secret Service agent stationed at the gates.

He also quoted Sanders’ tweet and said, “This is a lie.” 

The network, in a statement posted to Twitter, called Sanders' accusations “fraudulent” and said it stood by its reporter.

Trump, during the original exchange, castigated Acosta as a “rude, terrible person” who “shouldn’t be working for CNN.”

The president has long made the network the particular target of his “fake news” refrain, and told Acosta that “when you report fake news, which CNN does a lot, you are the enemy of the people.”

In handing his pass to Secret Service, Acosta said he did not blame the agent.

“We have been working at the White House for five years covering two administrations, so yeah, it’s been in that thing a while,” he explained to the agent, who apparently had trouble removing the pass from a lanyard.

“Thank you for your service, officer,” he said as the left the gate.

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