

Neighbors share what they'd like to see from Thomasville's Streetscape Project

  • Thomasville City Council has given the green light for grant application submittal.
  • The grant will help fund its Streetscape Project off of Remington Avenue.
  • Check out the video above to find out what improvements neighbors in that area would like to see.


"I have noticed some situations where it could be improved, traffic could be improved," said Jonathan Carr.

New infrastructure could be making its way to the City of Roses!

Thomasville City's Council recently gave the green light to submitting grant applications.

If approved, that grant money will go towards the Remington Streetscape Project.

The plan is to upgrade the intersection of Reid and Kern Street and Remington Avenue.

"When I was younger, I did witness some accidents," said Carr.

That's Jonathan Carr. He says he was born and raised right here on Kern Street. Carr says he used to walk to Thomasville High School, less than a quarter mile away, despite having less than 2 feet wide of walking space.

The new project could bring things like a roundabout, sidewalks, and storm water upgrades to this part of town.

"Cause so much water comes down in here. You can hardly get out of the door," said Mildred Ross.

Mildred Ross has lived near intersection Reid and Kern for 60 years. She says she's ready to see improvements regarding storm water drainage.

"Fix the place up," said Ross.

A sentiment Carr shares with Ross.

"Something that allows all of those walkers, bikers, and anyone moving around the area just to be safe," said Carr.

Right now, the city says they do does not have a clear date as to when people can expect these infrastructure upgrades, but we will keep you updated on its progress.