

MOVING QUINCY FORWARD: See where new sidewalks will be placed in the city.

Right now, people who rely on sidewalks to get into town is walking on the grass or the side of the busy street.  
and last updated
  • Quincy and Gadsden County has partnered with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) on the South Adams Street sidewalk project
  • The project will cost $500K
  • Project construction will begin this year
  • See the video above for more information


One of Quincy’s busiest roads and others are getting new sidewalks to ensure the safety of the community.  

“I walk everywhere, that’s one of the best parts of living in the city limits”  said Crystle May. “There are a lot of walkers. People in the morning going to work and even in the afternoon on their way back from work”  

This is Crystle May. She is one of many people in the community who uses the side walks to get to and from town.  

She tells me the more side walks they have, the more people will come and visit the square.  

“It’s going to bring more business to the square. The more attractive we can make downtown and in our area, the more people will come and attend our functions that we have” said May  

Quincy is working on building a sidewalk along South Adams Street, one of the busiest streets in town.  

Right now, people who rely on sidewalks to get into town is walking on the grass or the side of the busy street.  

“This particular project on South Adams Street has been a long time coming” said Robert Nixon  

Quincy City Manager Robert Nixon tells me that the city and Gadsden County has partnered up with the Florida department of transportation (FDOT) to do the sidewalk project on the street. According to the city, the project will cost around $500,000.  

Nixon says the top priority of the project is for people in the community to be able to go from commercial, areas like the square, to neighborhoods like on South Adams ST with no issues or safety concerns.  

"Very busy it is one of the most dangerous curves in our neighborhoods, we really want to deal with that because its very high In traffic" said Nixon.  

Other areas where town leaders are looking to add sidewalk and repair current sidewalks in the area are MLK and King St. To ensure people in the community have safe walk daily.  

“Its good to get out on our sidewalks and walk. It is good for you and healthy" said May.

According to the city they hope to begin the S Adams St. sidewalk project by this year to ensure the community’s safety.