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Big Book Give: Filling Leon County's elementary classroom libraries

  • The 'Big Book Give' initiative is collecting new children's books at multiple spots around town.
  • The donation drive aims to fill the need for more books in Leon County elementary classroom libraries.
  • Watch the video to learn why these donations are needed from the community.


An effort to increase access to books for all elementary students in Leon County. The 'Big Book Give' initiative has officially begun. I'm Kenya Cardonne in the Midtown neighborhood. I'm learning more about what sparked this drive and how you can help fill the need to fill classroom libraries.

When comparing the book count between Title I and Non-Title I elementary classroom libraries, the Leon County School board says..

"The disparity was just, it leaped off the page. It was enormous," says Leon County School Board Member Alva Smith.

Smith tells me all Non-Title I schools have more than 10,000 books. The highest book count for one school sits at 34,000.

Meanwhile, most Title I schools have less than 10,000 book. One of these schools has fewer than 2,000 books.

I asked Smith how a disparity like this could happen.

She tells me teachers have provided the books for many classroom libraries that have grown over time.

Smith - "And we see a lot of young new teachers in our Title I schools that just don't have the resources to be able to contribute out of their own pocket to buy books for their classroom libraries."

Their new initiative called Big Book Give is working to change that, with your help.

Smith - "How many of us have books in our homes that our kids read and then they outgrew them and they look brand new? We want those books."

Neighbors can donate new children's books at any of the several bins located across town:

  • All Capital City Bank locations
  • St. John's Episcopal Church
  • Midtown Reader

At Midtown Reader, if you buy a book to donate to the drive, they will match the purchase, making it a double donation.
Another organization doing its part is KPMG.

Smith says "They have contributed 10 thousand dollars to the Big Book Give!"

I spoke with Managing Director Maggie Mickler. She says eradicating childhood illiteracy is one of KPMG's main goals.

After all, she says, the future of Leon County depends on it.

"Reading is so critical for a child's future success, not only in education but their professional, and ultimately their careers," Mickler tells me.

You can participate in the drive now through November 30th.

If you'd like to send a monetary donation instead, you can scan the QR code on any of the donation bins.

In Midtown, Kenya Cardonne, ABC 27