

FEELING THE PINCH: Thomasville store owners see 20% drop in sales due to inflation

Store owners and consumers alike faced to make big changes due to inflation
and last updated
  • Inflation has business owners and consumers making big changes
  • Some local businesses are experiencing a decrease in sales by 20%
  • Video above takes you inside of those businesses


"We are definitely feeling the punch of an overall rise in everything," said April Fletcher, Owner of Ally B Boutique.

54% of small businesses owners say inflation is a top challenge followed by interest rates rising at 23%. That's according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Owner of Ally B Boutique, April Fletcher, is no exception. Fletcher says her business has seen a decrease in sales of up to 20%. Adding that due to inflation she has had to make a few changes in how she operates.

"We're not buying as much as we use to. Small changes like that and searching for the best deals as far as shipping goes," said Fletcher.

However, business owners aren't the only ones feeling the effects of a rise in costs.

"Where groceries use to cost 2 to 300 dollars a month for us, and our small family is now around 3 to 600," said Christopher Brinson.

I caught up with Christopher Brinson in downtown Thomasville. He was out to pick up his wife from her new part time job. Brinson says his family recently felt the effects of inflation while out shopping for school supplies.

"Supplies, school food, and snacks that we have to get. The things we have to get for the teachers so that they can run their classroom efficiently, are higher," said Brinson.

While the future of inflation remains an uncertainty there was one thing that was clear to both Brinson and Fletcher. Changes will have to be made.

"Definitely scary times," said Fletcher.

Fletcher says as for the future she is choosing not to panic and has no intention of laying off any staff despite the outcome.