

DECISION DELAYED: City of Thomasville will not look to increase taxes this year

City Council postponed the decision after community concerns

THOMASVILLE, Ga. (WTXL) — After weeks of debate the city of Thomasville is delaying a decision on a potential property tax increase.

  • City Council unanimously agreed to postponed property tax proposal until next year.
  • The City says the delay is due to community members being unhappy about timing.
  • Check out the video above to learn more on how people would like to see future increases handled.


"I was extremely thankful that they decided to listen and also give pause to putting a financial burden on people that just cannot be absorbed right now," said Heather Abbott, Co-Owner of Southlife Supply Co.

During Tuesday's public hearing the city announced that an increased property tax would not be voted or levied in 2023. I checked with the city and the decision was based on community's complaints about timing.

Now with the proposal held off people are still wondering…

"It's great that we've postponed this but at the same time, are we just kicking the football down the field," said Royal Baker, Rental Property Owner.

Originally the city proposed a new millage rate of 5.0. This was a 100% increase since the city had not implemented a property tax since 2012.

Royal Baker is a local rental property owner. I asked him what his concerns after hearing about the postponed proposal were.

"Is it going to be worse next year," said Baker.

As for the future of the Rose City's property taxes… neighbors ask for better communication from the City.

"I would like to see an about face with council and their decision-making process," said Abbott.

The city says they plan to bring the proposal back up at a later date.