

World War II era airplane in Tallahassee this weekend

Plane at Tallahassee International Airport

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Tallahassee International Airport welcomed in a historic plane Thursday.

The B-29 Doc Aircraft plane was built and flown during World War II and is making its first stop in the big bend, after traveling from its home base in Kansas.

Executive director Josh Wells says it's a great opportunity for people to see and experience the plane up close, knowing the importance of its history and those who served along with it.

"It's actually the B-29 Doc History Restore tour, and this one of only two remaining B-29 superfortress that are still air worthy and flying today. B-29 served in the Pacific Theatre during World War II, and we're proud to take this aircraft all over the country," Wells said.

Ground and flight deck tours will also be available this Saturday and Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., following morning ride flights.

Admission for ramp access, as well as ground and cockpit tours can be found on the B-29 Doc website at