

Wakulla County Fire cadets place at Florida Fire Games competition


WAKULLA COUNTY, Fla. (WTXL) — Wakulla County Fire Cadets place at prestigious Florida Winter Fire Games competition.

The program is for youth ages 14 to 21 and trains the students in CPR, EMT training, and fire rescue.

Cadets from all over the state of Florida and North Georgia attend the Florida Winter Fire Games to participate in 6 different events. Wakulla placed 1st in communications, 2nd in fire fighter relay, and 3rd in Rapid Doff.

"Cadets that follow certain criteria can be offered benefits after they graduate high school, whether that covering a portion of their program through like the fire academy or even getting a job with our department here. So basically, we like to home grow our own," said Allyson Roberts, Wakulla Cadets Program coordinator.

The program offers two hour classes once a week.