

Health event hosted by Bond Community Health Center


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — According to diabetes, more than 10 percent of the U.S. population has diabetes.

But not everybody can afford to get tested for the chronic, life-threatening condition.

Saturday, a free clinic helped community members take care of their health as dozens lined down the sidewalk to get health screenings.

Also offered were food distributions and medical information at Bond Community Health Center's Diabetes Health and Wellness Fair.

Marcus Ferrell participated to check his cholesterol and stress levels to give him a better idea of where he's at health-wise.

He's happy that there are free resources like this for the community to focus on their health.

"Get my health checked. I normally don't go to the doctor regularly like men are supposed to do so she told me to come check it out and see what's going on," Ferrell said.

Along with free health screenings, people could get other medical information, vaccine education, food distributions and free books.