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Florida State University to investigate student accused of hate speech in social media post

The FSU NAACP chapter condemned the comment, which was posted on Snapchat and directed towards Black students.
Florida State University to investigate student accused of hate speech in social media post
  • A Florida State student is facing investigation after making a racially insensitive post on Snapchat.
  • The university and its student NAACP chapter both condemned the comment.
  • The NAACP called for campus-wide education on racial discrimination.


The Florida State University Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is deeply outraged by a recent Snapchat post made by undergraduate student, Owen Howard, that stated, "Chimps are going to chimp out. "The term "chimp" is particularly offensive due to its long history of being used to equate Black people to apes or other primates. This racist comparison has been a tool of white supremacy since the 1800s, intended to strip Black individuals of their humanity and portray them as inferior or less than human. These dehumanizing stereotypes were central to justifying slavery, segregation, and other forms of racial oppression.

Market Wednesday is a safe place for primarily Black Greek Letter Organizations and various student organizations to showcase their organization pride and history and contributions to our campus. This type of rhetoric, disguised as casual language, is profoundly damaging to the well-being of Black students at FSU. It contributes to a hostile environment where students feel unsafe, unwelcome, and devalued. The impact of such language goes beyond individual insult—it serves to uphold a larger system of racism that continues to harm Black communities on campus and beyond.

The NAACP stands firmly for justice, equality, and respect for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background. Comments like this reinforce a troubling legacy of discrimination and racial hatred that we are committed to dismantling. We demand immediate and decisive action from the FSU administration to address this incident.

We call for the following actions:

  1. A formal, transparent investigation into this incident, with clear communication about the process and outcomes.
  2. Appropriate disciplinary measures against the individual(s) involved, in alignment with FSU's Code of Conduct.
  3. Mandatory campus-wide education on racial bias and discrimination to prevent further incidents.
  4. A reaffirmation of the university's commitment to protecting marginalized communities and fostering an inclusive, safe environment for all students.

We will not tolerate racism in any form at FSU, and we stand united in our demand for meaningful steps from the university to address this situation. FSU has an obligation to protect its Black students and uphold the values of equity and justice. Now is the time for the administration to demonstrate its commitment by taking swift, impactful actin. Let us stand together in rejecting hate and upholding the values of unity and respect.

Florida State University unequivocally condemns all forms of racism and hate, and it is especially disturbing when students express beliefs that are reprehensible and contrary to the values of our university.

Together, as members of our campus community, we must recognize that the views of one person do not reflect our collective values, nor do they reflect the values of Florida State University. We also must ensure that no individual's speech or beliefs undermine the welcoming nature of our campus. It is essential that we continue to strive for an environment where individuals from all backgrounds are accepted, valued, and respected.

Florida State University students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the university investigates all reports of student misconduct. However, individual educational records, including conduct and discipline, are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the university is unable to address specific reports in more detail.

Florida State University also understands that this despicable behavior has meaningful impacts on our community. Students who are in need of supportive resources are encouraged to reach out to our Counseling & Psychological Services Department ( []) or Department of Student Support and Transitions ( []).


A student at Florida State University is facing an investigation for hate speech.

I'm Alberto Camargo, your College Town neighborhood reporter, breaking down what I know about the situation.

An FSU student is accused of making a racist comment about Black students in a Snapchat post Wednesday.

The FSU chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is demanding the university investigate the incident.

And that any discipline to the student is communicated clearly.

The NAACP is also calling for mandatory campus-wide education on racial discrimination.

Saying hate speech is "profoundly damaging to the well-being of Black students at FSU".

I asked FSU for its response.

In a statement, the university says all reports of student misconduct are investigated.

But due to FERPA law, conduct and discipline toward individual students is protected and cannot be shared publicly.

FSU also says it "unequivocally condemns all forms of racism and hate", calling the comments "reprehensible and contrary to the values of our university."

FSU says students who are in need of support should reach out to on-campus resources like Counseling & Psychological Services or the Department of Student Support.

In College Town, Alberto Camargo, ABC27.