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FAMU Career Fair sees impressive attendance after cancellation

Nationwide employers connect with students
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  • FAMU Career Fair bounces back after recent snow storm
  • Internships and full-time positions open to all majors
  • Watch the video to hear from attendees.


In College Town, hundreds of students packed into the Al Lawson Center for FAMU's annual career fair. Because of the recent snowstorm, the previous fair was canceled.

Top employers like the Tallahassee police department were there to hire more officers,
while student and job seeker, Tyler Pye was looking to connect with a logistics company and practice his presentation skills.

"It's important to me to just get experience talking to companies and you know kinda getting my name out there," said Pye.

Career fair director, Tamara Taylor says that this year the fair was open to all majors and included internship opportunities in various industries.

"It's a great opportunity for all Rattlers, undergrad and graduate students to come and meet with employers from all over the country," said Taylor.

College career fairs are generally smaller in the spring, but Taylor says that she is pleased with this years turnout.