

Bondi wants bodies exhumed on Marianna boys school property

Dozier school for boys
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has filed a petition that would allow authorities to exhume human remains on the site of the Dozier School for Boys at Marianna.

Bondi's office filed a petition Tuesday on behalf of the appointed medical examiner for the 14th District of Florida. The petition seeks a court order to exhume bodies from "Boot Hill Cemetery" and surrounding areas, where it is believed there may be unmarked graves and unaccounted bodies of boys who died between 1900 and 1952 at the school.

Autopsies and medical investigations would be conducted on the remains to determine the cause of death.

Bondi says those deaths at the school remain cloaked in mystery and that surviving family members deserve a thorough examination of the site, 60 miles northwest of Tallahassee.