

Big Bend Hospice is looking for volunteers here in Wakulla County

This is a great way to give back to the community. Big Bend Hospice is asking for 6 or more people to volunteer
  • Big bend hospice is looking for volunteers here in the Wakulla county area.
  • This is a great way to give back to the community
  • Big Bend Hospice is asking for 6 or more people to volunteer

"If there's a patient whose and is a social, has always been social volunteers being there in and asking them questions, and having them maybe relive their past or tell special stories, or look at pictures together, that allows patients to share about who they are, which can be very cathartic." Says Mandell

Katie Mandell has worked as a director of community engagement at Big Bend hospice for 10 years.  

She says right now the need is great for volunteers. 

What exactly does a volunteer do?
"Volunteers don't provide any personal care. They are there for the social, emotional and practical support." Says Mandell

Mandell says volunteers help the patient socialize and are there to spend time with them.

Laura Reeder has been volunteering at big bend hospice for 15 years. She says what she loves about being a volunteer.
"All of it, I guess meeting the people and feeling like you're making a difference" Says Reeder

And she's not doing it alone, bringing an emotional support dog with her for even more support. 
"She was able to get through to people who are really maybe not at the best stage in their life and she was able to bring them out of there and I guess to talk with other people to be a better time" Says Reeder
When it comes to helping others she says doing this work is so rewarding.

I think it's really important to be connected with other people be part of such a wonderful organization that helps people at a stage in their life when as much support as they can get they need." Says Reeder

Right not the county is in need of at least six more volunteers. 

If you want to give involved a volunteer orientation on September 16th but you do not have to wait until then to reach out.