

Teen's locker-room rape case to be sent to juvenile court


DAMASCUS, Md. (AP) — The case against one of four Maryland teens charged as adults with rape in a Damascus High School locker room attack is now being sent to juvenile court.

The Washington Post reports Friday's ruling is the first of requests by the teens attempting to have their adult cases sent to the juvenile system.

Authorities say the teens restrained four 14-year-olds before an October football practice and raped them or attempted to rape them with broomsticks. A fifth teen was charged with rape as a juvenile.

Judge Steven G. Salant said Friday that the 15-year-old believed the attack was an acceptable prank within the school's sports program. He said he would've kept the case in the adult system based on the allegations, but state law recognizes that juveniles differ from adults.


Information from: The Washington Post,