

Security guard arrested in shooting outside LA synagogue


LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles synagogue security guard has been arrested for allegedly shooting and wounding a person who was recording video of the building for more than 40 minutes.

Police say 44-year-old Edduin Zelayagrunfeld was arrested Thursday after the shooting outside the Etz Jacob Congregation/Ohel Chana High School.

The victim was treated and returned to the scene, describing the wound as a deep graze to one leg.

The Los Angeles Times reports she is Zhoie Perez, a self-described First Amendment "auditor" who pushes the bounds of her rights in public spaces and posts videos to YouTube channels. She said she was filming architecture.

The incident occurred just months after the local Jewish community was shaken by an alleged attack on people leaving another synagogue.

It's unclear if Zelayagrunfeld has an attorney.