

Saudi crown prince in China on latest stop of Asian tour


BEIJING (AP) — Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in China on the latest stop of a sweep through Asia that aims to expand the kingdom's influence on the continent.

Prince Mohammed's arrival Thursday was reported first by Saudi media. He's due to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday, highlighting bilateral trade in oil and Chinese manufacturing.

Prince Mohammed's visit to Beijing follows one earlier this week by a high-powered delegation from Saudi Arabia's chief strategic rival Iran.

The trip comes five months after the crown prince came under intense pressure following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

It also happens as China is facing growing international criticism over its treatment of its Muslim minority groups — conspicuously little of it coming from Islamic nations.


This story has been corrected to show Beijing is not the final stop on Asian tour.