

Rally in Atlanta against Islamic law meets counterprotests


ATLANTA (AP) - At least 20 people including a Georgia state lawmaker gathered in an Atlanta park for a protest against Islamic law.

The rally, one of several held in more than two dozen U.S. cities, was organized by ACT for America, which claims Islamic law is incompatible with Western democracy. The organization says it opposes discrimination and supports the rights of those subject to Shariah. However, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, calls it the largest American anti-Muslim group.

Rally participants and a handful of counter-protesters appeared Saturday in Atlanta's Piedmont Park. Counter-protesters held a banner reading "Refuse Fascism" and chanted while the other side shouted back about female genital mutilation and honor killings.

Republican state Sen. Michael Williams tweeted he addressed the rally after counter-protesters left. He called on attendees to "unite against Shariah law."