

Pompeo: Venezuelans reject Maduro's 'model of governance'


REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he sees obvious signs that President Nicolas Maduro is starting to understand Venezuelans reject him as their leader.

Pompeo's spoke with reporters Friday in Reykjavik, Iceland following an exclusive AP interview with Maduro, who said he's willing to meet President Donald Trump — any time or place.

Maduro says he holds out hope of a meeting to resolve a crisis over America's recognition of opponent Juan Guaido as Venezuela's rightful leader.

Pompeo says Maduro's request isn't new, but it reflects that he's realizing his crisis-riddled nation rejects his "model of governance."

Pompeo wouldn't say whether he would send envoy Elliott Abrams to meet Maduro in Caracas.

Maduro told the AP that his foreign minister has met Abrams twice in New York for talks.