

Pennsylvania college trustee quits over Nazi uniform photo


GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) — A Pennsylvania college trustee is apologizing and resigning after a student found a 1980 yearbook photo in which he wore a Nazi uniform at a fraternity social event.

Gettysburg College President Janet Morgan Riggs said in an email to the college community on Tuesday that Bob Garthwait decided to step down from the board of trustees.

Garthwait is a financial donor to the college and helped found the Garthwait Leadership Center on campus.

A college spokeswoman says a student brought the photo to the attention of a faculty member last week, and the administration was contacted.

Riggs' email quotes a message from Garthwait that says he dressed as a Nazi soldier in a POW camp as part of a "Hogan's Heroes" TV show theme party at a fraternity.