

Parents of slain Bosnia student want to exhume his body


SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) — The parents of a Bosnian student whose unresolved death inspired months of anti-government protests say they want to exhume their son's remains and rebury them outside the country.

Davor Dragicevic and Suzana Radanovic said Wednesday they have filed a formal exhumation request in the main Bosnian Serb town of Banja Luka.

David Dragicevic died last March in Banja Luka in what police first described as suicide, but the family insisted he was murdered. Prosecutors later opened a homicide investigation which is ongoing.

Dragicevic's parents led months of protests demanding the truth about their son's death. They have alleged an official cover-up, saying they won't let their son's remains stay in Bosnia.

The protests have reflected wider popular discontent with widespread corruption and poor living standards long after the 1992-95 war.