

Ohio abortion 'heartbeat bill' returns to Legislature


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A measure to ban abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected is again being proposed in the Republican-led Ohio Legislature.

Similar measures approved by lawmakers were twice vetoed by former GOP Gov. John Kasich (KAY'-sik). But new Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has encouraged supporters of the so-called heartbeat bill by saying he would sign it.

Republican Reps. Ron Hood, of Ashville, and Candice Keller, of Middletown, say they filed the bill Monday with 50 cosponsors — a majority of the House.

It would be among the most restrictive abortion measures in the nation. A fetal heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks into pregnancy before many women know they're pregnant.

Kasich considered such legislation unconstitutional and said enacting it would lead to a costly, unsuccessful court battle.