

Nissan ex-boss Ghosn's new lawyer questions handling of case


TOKYO (AP) — The newly appointed star defender for former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn says he believes the case against his client does "not meet international standards."

Junichiro Hironaka also said Wednesday that he believed Ghosn's trial on charges of falsifying financial reporting and breach of trust might not begin until after the summer.

Speaking to reporters at a conference room in downtown Tokyo, Hironaka said the defense team was still working out its strategy. That could mean months more of detention for Ghosn, who headed Nissan for almost two decades before his arrest on Nov. 19.

Hironaka refused to say if Ghosn will try, for a third time, to gain release on bail. He said he viewed the case as a chance to improve Japan's legal system and human rights.